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IOSG:一览 NFT 产业图景,对比 Opyn 与 Hegic 美式期权优劣势 (2)

时间:2020-07-07 18:00来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
The security breach was possible because Balancer allows non-standard ERC20 tokens. Specifically, the funds from two pools containing STA and STONK token were completely drained. These are deflationar
The security breach was possible because Balancer allows non-standard ERC20 tokens. Specifically, the funds from two pools containing STA and STONK token were completely drained. These are deflationary tokens that lose balance with each trade. After running numerous trades in these tokens and lowering token balance in the pool, STA token became expensive relative to the other tokens which the attacker used to exchange STA for other assets in the pool.

  Despite the attack had a limited scope, affecting about 0.36% of the total liquidity on Balancer pools, Balancer decided to reimburse all affected because they could have prevented the loss. Namely, Hex Capital warned Balancer about this bug (May 6th). Balancer emphasized that there will be no guarantee for potential future incidents and that users should assume the risks of smart contracts. Looking forward, Balancer plans to perform the third audit, this time with OpenZeppelin. The first two audits were performed by Trail of Bits and Consensys Diligence.

  智能钱包 Argent 不再替用户支付 Compound、TokenSets、Uniswap V2 、Kyber 等应用的 gas 费

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  21Shares 在德意志交易所电子交易平台 Xetra 上线比特币 ETP

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  Cobo 金库公开代码审计报告,后续将实现部分安全芯片加密算法层的代码开源

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  去中心化预测市场 Augur 计划在 7 月 28 日发布 v2 版本

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  CoinGecko 与安全公司 Hacken 合作推出新的信任分数算法

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  以太坊互助保险 Nexus Mutual 推出新的 Staking 质押系统

  以太坊互助保险 Nexus Mutual 宣布推出新的 Staking (质押)系统,平台用户可以在其认为安全的合约上进行质押,并获得相应奖励。Staking 系统允许同一笔 NXM (Nexus Mutual 的原生代币)存款同时质押在多份合约上,以最大化潜在回报,提升所质押的资本效率,最多可以在多份合约上质押 10 倍于所质押的 NXM 数量,且每个智能合约系统中相关的奖励和惩罚都会按比例分配。 (责任编辑:admin1)

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